논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2013-10 The Impact of Time-Zero Biopsy on Early Graft Outcomes After Living Donor Kidney Transplantation TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS
2013-09 면역억제제에 의한 신장독성 연구에서 조직 미세배열분석 사용의 타탕성 검토 대한이식학회지
2013-08 Propofol attenuates renal ischemia-reperfusion injury aggravated by hyperglycemia JOURNAL OF SURGICAL RESEARCH
2013-07 Clinical impact of fat clearing technique in nodal staging of rectal cancer after preoperative chemoradiotherapy JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SURGICAL SOCIETY
2013-07 CK2-NCoR signaling cascade promotes prostate tumorigenesis Oncotarget
2013-07 Immunosenescent CD8+ T Cells and C-X-C Chemokine Receptor Type 3 Chemokines Are Increased in Human Hypertension. HYPERTENSION
2013-06 Usefulness of Oxford Classification in Assessing Immunoglobulin A Nephropathy After Transplantation TRANSPLANTATION
2013-05 A Case of Locally Advanced Well-Differentiated Fetal Adenocarcinoma of the Lung Treated with Concurrent Chemoradiation Therapy Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
2012-12 A Case of Basal Cell Carcinoma in a Patient with Membranous Glomerulonephritis Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine(영남의대학술지)
2012-12 The definition of minimal extrathyroid extension in thyroid pathology by analyzing sizable intra- and extrathyroid blood vessels KOREAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY
2012-11 The effect of sRAGE-Fc fusion protein attenuates inflammation and decreases mortality in a murine cecal ligation and puncture model INFLAMMATION RESEARCH
2012-10 Dense Deposit Disease in Korean Children: A Multicenter Clinicopathologic Study JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2012-09 Retroperitoneal spinal extradural arachnoid cyst combined with congenital hemivertebrae JOURNAL OF KOREAN NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETY
2012-09 Most Transmitted Glomerular Lesions in a Zero-hour Biopsy of Allograft Kidney Have No Clinical Significance 대한이식학회지
2012-09 Lung Transplantation for Bronchiolitis Obliterans after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2012-07 Decreased Circulating C3 Levels and Mesangial C3 Deposition Predict Renal Outcome in Patients with IgA Nephropathy PLOS ONE
2012-06 Urinary Decoy Cell Grading and Its Clinical Implications KOREAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY
2012-04 C-Phycocyanin Attenuates Cisplatin-Induced Nephrotoxicity in Mice RENAL FAILURE
2012-04 C4d deposition and multilayering of peritubular capillary basement membrane in posttransplantation membranous nephropathy indicate its association with antibody-mediated injury. TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS
2012-04 Accompanying Renal Injuries Did Not Impact Graft Survival in Patients With Transplant Glomerulopathy TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS
2012-03 The first case of familial mediterranean fever associated with renal amyloidosis in Korea YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2012-03 복강 내에서 발견된 기관지원성낭종 내의 선암 1예 대한내과학회지
2012-03 Clinical Features and Outcomes of IgA Nephropathy with Nephrotic Syndrome CLINICAL JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY
2012-01 Corticotropin-releasing hormone downregulates IL-10 production by adaptive forkhead box protein 3-negative regulatory T cells in patients with atopic dermatitis Journal of allergy and clinical immunology
2011-12 A mathematical approach to the optimal examination of lymph nodes APMIS
2011-11 The Effects of AEB071 (Sotrastaurin) with Tacrolimus on Rat Heterotopic Cardiac Allograft Rejection and Survival JOURNAL OF SURGICAL RESEARCH
2011-08 Aliskiren Ameliorates Renal Inflammation and Fibrosis Induced by Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction in Mice JOURNAL OF UROLOGY
2011-07 Expression of interleukin-17 is correlated with interferon-α expression in cutaneous lesions of lupus erythematosus CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL DERMATOLOGY
2011-07 Toll-like receptor 4 signaling is involved in IgA-stimulated mesangial cell activation YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2011-06 이식신사구체병증의 병인 대한이식학회지
2011-06 Predictive factors for ciclosporin-associated nephrotoxicity in children with minimal change nephrotic syndrome JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY
2011-05 Th17 Cells Are Not Directly Associated with Renal Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury The Korean Journal of Nephrology
2011-05 Imaging of Primary Chest Wall Tumors with Radiologic-Pathologic Correlation RADIOGRAPHICS
2011-01 Procyanidin B3, an inhibitor of histone acetyltransferase, enhances the action of antagonist for prostate cancer cells via inhibition of p300-dependent acetylation of androgen receptor BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL
2010-12 폐 재이식 증례 보고; 폐이식 만성거부 반응의 치료 대한흉부외과학회지
2010-12 신생검 조직검사 진단양식의 실용 지침 The Korean Journal of Pathology
2010-12 한국인 성인에서 국소분절사구체경화증의 아형에 따른 분석 The Korean Journal of Pathology
2010-12 술후 방사선 치료 후 재발한 후두 육종양 암종(Sarcomatoid Carcinoma) 1예 대한두경부종양학회지
2010-12 Is endorectal coil necessary for the staging of clinically localized prostate cancer? Comparison of non-endorectal versus endorectal MR imaging World Journal Of Urology
2010-10 The effects of the period between biopsy and diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging on cancer staging in localized prostate cancer Bju International
2010-08 Morphometric analysis of podocyte foot process effacement in IgA nephropathy and its association with proteinuria Ultrastructural Pathology
2010-08 ER-60 (PDIA3) is highly expressed in a newly established serous ovarian cancer cell line, YDOV-139 International Journal Of Oncology
2010-06 Localized Metastasis to Small and Large Bowel from Breast Cancer: A Case Report 대한영상의학회지
2010-05 Effects of Cyclosporin A Therapy Combined with Steroids and Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors on Childhood IgA Nephropathy JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2010-04 세포검사로 유두갑상샘암종이 의심되는 갑상샘 결절의 Galectin-3 발현과 BRAF 돌연변이 분석 The Korean Journal of Pathology
2010-04 AEB-071 Versus Tacrolimus Monotherapy to Prevent Acute Cardiac Allograft Rejection in the Rat: A Preliminary Report Transplantation Proceedings
2010-01 Development of IgA Nephropathy after Clinical Remission of Dense Deposit Disease The Korean Journal of Nephrology
2010-01 Expression of metastasis-associated molecules in non-small cell lung cancer and their prognostic significance MOLECULAR MEDICINE REPORTS
2009-12 신증후성 출혈열 후에 발생한 Henoch-Schnlein 자반증성 신염과 비골신경 마비 The Korean Journal of Nephrology
2009-12 A Case of Lupus-like Glomerulonephritis in an HIV-infected Patient Infection and Chemotherapy(감염과화학요법)
2009-11 Pretreatment With the Tumor Nerosis Factor-alpha Blocker Etanercept Attenuated Ischemia-Reperfusion Renal Injury Transplantation Proceedings
2009-11 IgG nephropathy-confusion and overlap with C1q nephropathy Clinical Nephrology
2009-09 Peritoneal washing cytology of disseminated low grade endometrial stromal sarcoma: A case report Acta Cytologica
2009-09 Pretreatment with Darbepoetin Attenuates Renal Injury in a Rat Model of Cisplatin-Induced Nephrotoxicity The Korean Journal Of Internal Medicine
2009-08 Pretreatment of sildenafil attenuates ischemia-reperfusion renal injury in rats American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology
2009-08 Renal tubular expression of Toll-like receptor 4 in cyclosporine nephrotoxicity Apmis
2009-05 Molecular characterization of a new ovarian cancer cell line, YDOV-151, established from mucinous cystadenocarcinoma Tohoku Journal Of Experimental Medicine
2009-03 Expression of fibrosis-associated molecules in IgA nephropathy treated with cyclosporine Pediatric Nephrology
2009-01 Sildenafil attenuates renal injury in an experimental model of rat cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity Toxicology
2008-10 Progression of renal allograft histology after renal transplantation in recurrent and nonrecurrent immunoglobulin A nephropathy Human Pathology
2008-08 Acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis superimposed on IgA nephropathy Clinical Nephrology
2008-05 혈청 보체 C3가 감소된 특발성 원섬유성 사구체신염 1예 The Korean Journal Of Nephrology
2005-05 위의 기생충성 호산구성 육아종 2예의 내시경 초음파 소견 대한소화기내시경학회지(Korean J Gastrointest Endosc)
2004-07 사람의 제2형 당뇨병성 신증의 신조직내 TGF-β-inducible Gene-h3의 발현과 유용성-면역조직화학적 분석- The Korean Journal of Nephrology
2004-06 Rhabdoid cholangiocarcinoma: A variant of cholangiocarcinoma with aggressive behavior YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2004-04 Osteopontin expression and microvascular injury in cyclosporine nephrotoxicity PEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGY
2004-01 간흡충증과 동반된 점액 담관암종 1예 The Korean Journal of Hepatology(대한간학회지)