논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-11 Active adaptation in infrared and visible vision through multispectral thermal Lens International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
2024-11 Enhanced cooling performance of blade tip slot cooling: Effect of slot open length International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
2024-10 Thermal design of a non-isothermal microfluidic channel for measuring thermophoresis International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
2024-10 Thermal design for enhanced temperature uniformity on spark plasma sintering device Finite Elements in Analysis and Design
2024-09 Heat transfer measurement near injection hole of supersonic nozzle with a sonic jet injection Aerospace Science and Technology
2024-05 Thermal design of operating parameter for reliable AlSi7Mg selective laser melting Journal of Materials Research and Technology
2024-04 Surface roughening and hemi-wicking: Synergistic impact on flow boiling International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
2024-02 Non-monotonic Soret coefficients of aqueous LiCl solutions with varying concentrations Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics